About Me

My photo
hmmm.. I'm 5'4 standing, long straight black hair, morena, and most of all slim... I also have a mole on the left side of my lips.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

...5 Tips To Live A Wonderful Life! ....

How long are you going to live?!

50, 60, 70, probably 80 years.

Not long enough, right?!
Life is too short not to enjoy, so while you still have time, remove that "Boring" tag in your so-called life and start making it a wonderful masterpiece.

Here are some tips that will help you escape from your self-made rut and start enjoying each waking hour of your day.

Be Grateful

Stop whining about the things you don't have and how wrecked you think your life is. Rather, enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Gratitude is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your sense of gratefulness alive. Moaning about your life will only attract negative vibes, so be wary.

Get out of your comfort zone

Life is all about taking risks; and that's the exciting part of it. Get out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid of rejection. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you'll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by. Trust me, you'll get more out of life than what you are asking for, if you keep on trying.

Live in the Present

Enjoy the present and let go of the past. You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Brooding on the past just hinders you from the things you should be enjoying at the present.

Set Exciting Goals

Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy about. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a time line, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. So don't put limits to yourself because you'll never know what may happen.

Experience the Unfamiliar!!

Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar for you may seem scary, but nothing is more fulfilling than being able to conquer your fear. The world is a big place and there are still lots of things waiting to be explored by you. Do the things you never did or even imagined doing before. Go to a foreign place where you know no one. Eat something exotic. You owe it to yourself to live a wonderful life. Be grateful, and live in the present. Get out of your comfort zone and experience the unfamiliar. And set exciting goals. Be Adventurous!

by Mohamed Tohami

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

...Tips for Getting Fit...=)..

  • Ask yourself why you want to be fit. It to be healthy, to do better in physical activities (like sports) or for other reasons?
  • Decide what activities are right for you. Whatever you do should be something you enjoy. And always think about your safety!
  • Pace yourself. Fitness a gradual process, so don't rush or over-exercise. Set up a daily schedule. Just like for video games, start at the beginning and work your way up to higher levels.
  • Set goals. Keep track of your progress, and as you reach these goals, you'll feel good about what you've accomplished.
  • Talk to others. People you know may have tips that make your activities easier and more fun!
  • Work with a partner. It may be more fun if you do your activities with a friend, who can keep you company and motivated.
  • Be flexible Change your schedule, goals or activities. Don't feel like you always have to stick to the same routine to be fit. Trying new activities that exercise different parts of the body can keep things interesting too.
  • Do not use steroids! These substances are only an easy way to build fake muscles. They don't help your fitness, and can be unhealthy and illegal.
  • Eat a healthy diet. For example, fruits and veggies have a lot of nutrients your body needs. Many other healthy foods can also be combined for a balanced diet to give you energy.
  • Eat several hours before your activity, or wait until afterwards. You don't want to be too full before exercising, or you might become tired or feel sick afterwards.
  • Drink water and milk. While water is the No. 1 thirst-quencher (remember how thirsty you were after P.E.?), milk has the calcium to strengthen your bones.
That's aCcorDinG to Palo ALto Medical Foundation

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

= you'Re tHe oNe=

I was once a pretty single girl. As time goes by, you found me.

I was in the church that time, attending the last mass on Sunday afternoon. I saw you with no feelings at all that you're just an ordinary person in my life...

The wedding day of my cousin came, I was a bride's maid that time. I was very pretty with my long, yellow-green gown. I've worn my slight make-up. When I reach the reception, crowded people attracts my eyes. It was very hot in the afternoon. I was eating when I saw a boy always looking at me. I couldn't concentrate to the food that should be eaten. Then, I finished eating my foods. I went to our house to change my gown into school uniform since it was my examination day. When I was in school, somebody texted me with unregistered name. I replied with a message "HU U?".. Then you're name was RIXI. I then replied if where you got my number. Then, you said that from my cousin. We texted each other everyday. From that time, I have a happy day always. As we keep on texting. You courted me by the phone. But I refused because I don't want guy courting me through the use of mobile phone.

You invited me to attend the " Simbang Gabi". We we're on the church. You gave me a gift which was a Herbench cologned. It smelled fragrance. The mass was done. You took me home and pay my fare. I enjoyed with you.

As time went by, I fell in love with you. .

Then, we became lovers which we don't know how it will last.

PeoPLe’s PaRk is ThE pLacE

It is the place where people can enjoy, laugh, smile, or emote. Many people go there to have fun and wandering. There are many trees and chairs where you can hang out.

One time, I was been there with my special someone. We wandered the whole park. We brought foods and drinks so that we will not be hungry and thirsty. We sat down on a chair near the dove sight. Doves are kinds of bird that fly low. They are called the birds that “mababa a
ng lipad.” As you can see in the picture, they are too many. We fed them with Eggnog. They are so friendly birds. We also went to the high bridge. It was very airy there. My hair seemed to be floating in the wind. We also went to the big falls, where you can find a place that is very relaxing. It’s very cold there and the water falls very fast and noisy. We fed the fishes there called Carp. They’re very colorful and big fishes.

Well, we enjoyed so much wandering with my special someone. Even if it’s just a short time, we enjoy spending our time.hmmmm...=)